Breast Treatments

We offer a wide range of breast treatments at affordable prices performed by industry leading experts.

Breast Enlargement

Breast enlargement surgery is one of the most common cosmetic surgical procedures. At Elanic we only use Johnson & Johnson Mentor implants, we carry out hundreds of breast enlargement procedures every year and have hundreds of happy patients!

Fat Transfer Breast Enlargement

Over the last few years, the use of fat transfer to the breast has been investigated extensively across the world.  The technique involves gentle liposuction to obtain fat from one area of the body, typically the tummy or thighs to increase the volume of the breast without the use of an implant.

Exchange of Breast Implants

There are different reasons for changing breast implants and these can include the removal of PIP implants or a desire to alter the size of your breasts or to remove uncomfortable capsules around longstanding implants.

Breast Uplift

A breast uplift (also sometimes known as a mastopexy) is used to improve the appearance of droopy breasts by restoring their original pertness.

Breast Reduction

Large breasts can have a negative effect on not only your posture but you may suffer from physical symptoms such as back pain and find they limit your ability to wear the clothes you want or play certain sports. 

Nipple Correction

Many people are affected by inverted nipples - where the nipple points inwards instead of out - but many are unaware that a straightforward procedure performed under local anaesthetic can make a significant improvement to the appearance of the nipple.

Breast Augmentation Edinburgh

Elanic offer breast augmentation surgery in Edinburgh, we consult and operate out of The Edinburgh Clinic working with our Edinburgh based surgeons. 

Breast Enlargement Manchester

Elanic Manchester offers breast enlargement on a day case basis using Johnson & Johnson Mentor Implants. To discuss breast enlargement further book a free consultation. 

Success stories

“I am more outgoing; I socialise more. I have totally changed as a person and everybody else sees the difference!  After the operation I thought. This is exactly how I was meant to look.”

Read Nicky 's story

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