Weight Loss Surgery Treatments

Elanic has a full specialist bariatric team offering our surgical weight loss service - supported by our bariatric nurse and dietician. 

Gastric Band

Elanic's Specialist Bariatric surgeons offer several surgical weight loss treatments. A Gastric Band is a band placed around your stomach, which makes you feel fuller after eating less food. The gastric band combined with a healthy diet and exercise can lead to excellent weight loss and an increase in overall health and wellbeing. 

Gastric Balloon

Weight loss surgery must never be the first option, it is not without risk and we will ensure that all of our patients have tried the range of diet and exercise programs to manage their weight before considering surgery. 

Gastric Sleeve

Elanic offers a gastric sleeve procedure for those patients looking to lose a substantial amount of weight.

Success stories

“I am more outgoing; I socialise more. I have totally changed as a person and everybody else sees the difference!  After the operation I thought. This is exactly how I was meant to look.”

Read Nicky 's story

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